
What is friendship?

In my passed life, my friendship with other people is just sharing cherish things with each other, such as delicious food, enjoyable music or movies, and go out together. In fact, I am not satisfied with this kind of friendship, and try my best want to build up solid friendship with my confidant, but I failed and disappointed. I had no long to eager a friendship so intimate.

While, in this term, our teacher show us a clip of fairy tale called The wind in the willow. I was attracted by the delicate sentences, so I found out the book on the internet and read it carefully. At first, I like the beautiful words used by the author to depict the beautiful outlook. As the plot goes, I am gradually attracted by the pure and innocent friendship between the intelligent Rat and the royal Mole. They not only share foods and comfortable house, but also go through troubles and have sympathy for each other.

The most memorable two incident which leave great impression on me are that the Mole go to the Wild Wood and they go back home together. In the story, the Mole is eager to go to the Wild Wood to encounter the isolated Badger. So, in a cold winter, the Mole goes to the dangerous Wild wood alone when the Rat is sleeping. However, the Mole lost his way. The good-natured Rat anxiously goes to the Wild Wood to find his dear friend regardless of risks of wintry Wild Wood. After their struggle, they come across the Badger’s house. The underground Mole is accustomed to the room of Badger, while the river-side Rat is uncomfortable with the cave so he drag the reluctant Mole going back their loved River.
In their way back to home, the Mole’s old home implores him to come back, but the Rat is so eager to back to his comfortable river-side that ignoring the homesick Mole and the call of Mole to slow down his speed. At last the Mole bursts into tears so mournfully which shocks the Rat. After the Mole calm down, the Rat propose that they go to the Mole’s old house tonight. The Mole is unbelievable the Rat is no longer eager to hurry to their river and would like to accompany him go to his shabby home.

Their impressive friendship is build up on the sympathy, love and tolerance between each other. They do not want to gain something from each other, but know what they can give to each other. Who is my Mr. Mole and Mr. Rat? I do not know~~the most wide-spread sentence from Churchill says that there is no permanent friend or enemy, and there is only permanent interest. there is no doubt that human beings are driven by interests too hush and they ignore the regulation of life. So, what is the difference between human being and animal?



 Have you chosen the right glasses?

With the development of science and technology and the popularity of digital products, more and more people wear glasses for myopia. Previously, people wear glasses only as a way to correct their poor vision. Now glasses are not only used correct myopia, but also as a very important decoration for people. If your glasses are not match with your style, the glasses will have bad influence on your image. How do you match your own glasses with your style? Here's how to choose the right eye for you. 1. Choose according to your face type How to identify your face: Give yourself a face contour and pick up your forehead to reveal the hairline. Take a frontal photo of yourself with a camera or mobile phone, pass it to the computer, use the drawing tools to trace the outline of the face, and the face map is done. Compare the face classification to find out your face shape. Various face types  round face suitable for the water chest or rectangular frame, not suitable for round frames

What shape of glasses is fit for my face shape?

https://www.zinff.com             It is a common problem, which puzzles everyone who wants to choose a pair of glasses, that how can I choose proper glasses to be fit for my face shape.             Many fashion magazine articles tell their readers that different face shape should choose different kinds of glasses. According to my experiences and observations, I get conclusion that those suggestions made by magazine articles are not so practical and true. There are why I conclude that:             First, most people's faces are not standard round faces, or square faces, and so on. Therefore everyone's facial features are different. If you have to put yourself in the "standard face shape", then you will meet troubles. More important is that the shape of your nose, eyes, and mouth also have great influences on how to choose a proper glasses.        Second, the hairstyle could change the contour of the human head, and the face shape under different hairstyles will

Vision Problems Despite a New Pair of Glasses?

Your new glasses look stylish and fit you perfectly. The only problem: You still cannot see clearly. You may be wondering what might be wrong with them. How come your vision is not perfect despite your new glasses? Such vision problems have many different causes. The good news: Usually, the problem can be solved, and you can turn to your eye care professional for further assistance. Glasses were invented in order to allow people to acquire the perfect tool to counter-balance failing eyesight. Whether it’s for near-sighted consumers, far-sighted consumers or presbyopia-the right lens is now available for virtually any visual impairment. Obviously, if you get a new pair of glasses and you can’t see clearly with them right away, you might get quite frustrated. However, there are many different reasons why you might have to go through this experience: The familiarization period Whenever you get a brand new pair of glasses, you will have to get used to them. Some people only need a