
True friendship, no one can take it away

Park your heart in the harbor where the beautiful clouds rise, secretly engrave your happiness in your heart, and tie you to the end of the years with a silk thread of friendship!
Friendship is not a short-lived fireworks, but a lovely picture; friendship is not a long-term acquaintance, but a familiar understanding.
. If you have a friend to share happiness, you can be intimate brothers. If you can exchange hearts and souls, you will be a confidant, but you will have only few confidants in your life.
With friends, the pain which you share is becoming half pain, and the happiness shared is double happiness.
Wealth is not a friend forever, but a friend is a forever wealth.

The most wonderful thing about friendship is that no matter where we are, we care about each other; no matter when we see you again, it is as good as ever.
If one wants to say something, it will take another person to listen to it. Good words can win the audience and listen well to win friends.

Friendship is like a simple line;
No matter where you are, what happens to you, it will pull you out of the swamp;
It will also be a line that will lead you to the future. Unless you cut it yourself, others' scissors can't cut it.
Life is inseparable from friendship, and it is not easy to get a true friendship;
Friendship always requires loyalty to sow, irrigating with enthusiasm, and cultivating principles.

Real friends will not hang their friendships on their lips, they will not ask for anything because of friendship, but they will do everything they can to each other.
Taking friendship from life is like removing sunlight from life.
Dream; always not long enough, but I need a dream.
Love; always hurt, but I still remember.
Rain; it’s beautiful, but I still like the sun.

Although I am not around, I have never forgotten you... Dear friend, how are you?
Friends are like piece puzzles, which combine to form a beautiful picture. If you miss one piece, you will never be complete.
Real friends, when you are successful, happy for you, not to flatter.
When you encounter misfortune or sorrow, you will be given timely support and encouragement.

When you have shortcomings that may make mistakes, you will be given the right criticism and help.
Friendship is not a bunch of gorgeous rhetoric, but an ardent greeting; friendship is not a perfunctory hug, but a heart-felt look.
The vast sea of people is like a desert. You are the gravel in the desert beach. With the companion of friends, you are no longer feel lonely and tiny.
No matter how far the road ahead is, you will have me on the road to growth; no matter when we meet, we are friends forever.



 Have you chosen the right glasses?

With the development of science and technology and the popularity of digital products, more and more people wear glasses for myopia. Previously, people wear glasses only as a way to correct their poor vision. Now glasses are not only used correct myopia, but also as a very important decoration for people. If your glasses are not match with your style, the glasses will have bad influence on your image. How do you match your own glasses with your style? Here's how to choose the right eye for you. 1. Choose according to your face type How to identify your face: Give yourself a face contour and pick up your forehead to reveal the hairline. Take a frontal photo of yourself with a camera or mobile phone, pass it to the computer, use the drawing tools to trace the outline of the face, and the face map is done. Compare the face classification to find out your face shape. Various face types  round face suitable for the water chest or rectangular frame, not suitable for round frames

What shape of glasses is fit for my face shape?

https://www.zinff.com             It is a common problem, which puzzles everyone who wants to choose a pair of glasses, that how can I choose proper glasses to be fit for my face shape.             Many fashion magazine articles tell their readers that different face shape should choose different kinds of glasses. According to my experiences and observations, I get conclusion that those suggestions made by magazine articles are not so practical and true. There are why I conclude that:             First, most people's faces are not standard round faces, or square faces, and so on. Therefore everyone's facial features are different. If you have to put yourself in the "standard face shape", then you will meet troubles. More important is that the shape of your nose, eyes, and mouth also have great influences on how to choose a proper glasses.        Second, the hairstyle could change the contour of the human head, and the face shape under different hairstyles will

Vision Problems Despite a New Pair of Glasses?

Your new glasses look stylish and fit you perfectly. The only problem: You still cannot see clearly. You may be wondering what might be wrong with them. How come your vision is not perfect despite your new glasses? Such vision problems have many different causes. The good news: Usually, the problem can be solved, and you can turn to your eye care professional for further assistance. Glasses were invented in order to allow people to acquire the perfect tool to counter-balance failing eyesight. Whether it’s for near-sighted consumers, far-sighted consumers or presbyopia-the right lens is now available for virtually any visual impairment. Obviously, if you get a new pair of glasses and you can’t see clearly with them right away, you might get quite frustrated. However, there are many different reasons why you might have to go through this experience: The familiarization period Whenever you get a brand new pair of glasses, you will have to get used to them. Some people only need a