
This passage will never be outdated for you

It is impossible for people that everything goes as your will in this world. It is also good to listen to the advice of others, when you encounter difficulties and troubles. However, it is still up to you to resolve the contradictions which haunt you. When you are upset, you need to think about the following words, perhaps helping to adjust your mentality.

1. Don't worry, everything will be fine.
Fate is fair to everyone. When it closes a door, it will open a window; no matter how bad things, the world has reserved a place for it.
Believe that raindrops will not only fall on your roof. Believe in yourself, there is always a corner for you to shelter in this world. Having a positive and optimistic attitude is the first step in solving and overcoming all the difficulties.

2, Don't be afraid, the sky will not collapse
As long as you are determined to overcome your fears, you can almost overcome any fear.
When you are scared, put your mind on what you must do. If you have been thoroughly prepared once, you will not be afraid. then you do something with full preparation that you are afraid of, your fears will naturally disappear.
Life is like "touching nails". Touching a nail, you can gain useful experience. When the sky falls, there is a man holding it so why not try it one time. The whole life of a person is actually an long experience of life.

3. Don't regret it, everyone will do something wrong.
There is no one in the world who never make mistakes. If you do something wrong, don't regret it. Regret is a mentally consuming emotion, regret is a greater loss, a bigger mistake .
Be brave to do it, don't be afraid to make mistakes, it is nothing important; frankly, many people hope that you will be defeated by your own mistakes. Every kind of wound is a kind of maturity.

4. Don't be disappointed, chances will be there once again.
Mankind is able to do it, because they believe they can. The biggest bankruptcy of a person is despair, and the biggest asset of a person is hope.
There are many unfair things in life. Don't complain. People who work hard to adapt to it create opportunities. Braves are the ones who wait for opportunities.
If there is a pie in the sky, it will fall into the mouth of the person who has his head up.
Life is full of trials and errors, and a failure does not mean that you are out.

5, don't give up, insist on hope
The most regrettable thing in life is to give up easily, which should not give up. You can have nothing but a passion for life and hope for the future.
There is only one way that should not to choose in life, that is, the road to give up; there is only one way that should not to refuse, that is the way to grow.
The great man is great because when he encounter the same difficulties with others and others lose confidence, he is determined to achieve his goal. Hope always appears in your desperation!

6, don't be angry, learn to be generous
There will always be people who hurt you in life, don't be angry. Being angry is to punish yourself with the mistakes of others.
Good temper is the best dress that a person can wear in social life. Tolerance is the bridge of mutual understanding and trust between people. The optimistic attitude comes from tolerance, from generosity, from understanding, and from standing aloof from the worldly affairs.



 Have you chosen the right glasses?

With the development of science and technology and the popularity of digital products, more and more people wear glasses for myopia. Previously, people wear glasses only as a way to correct their poor vision. Now glasses are not only used correct myopia, but also as a very important decoration for people. If your glasses are not match with your style, the glasses will have bad influence on your image. How do you match your own glasses with your style? Here's how to choose the right eye for you. 1. Choose according to your face type How to identify your face: Give yourself a face contour and pick up your forehead to reveal the hairline. Take a frontal photo of yourself with a camera or mobile phone, pass it to the computer, use the drawing tools to trace the outline of the face, and the face map is done. Compare the face classification to find out your face shape. Various face types  round face suitable for the water chest or rectangular frame, not suitable for round frames

What shape of glasses is fit for my face shape?

https://www.zinff.com             It is a common problem, which puzzles everyone who wants to choose a pair of glasses, that how can I choose proper glasses to be fit for my face shape.             Many fashion magazine articles tell their readers that different face shape should choose different kinds of glasses. According to my experiences and observations, I get conclusion that those suggestions made by magazine articles are not so practical and true. There are why I conclude that:             First, most people's faces are not standard round faces, or square faces, and so on. Therefore everyone's facial features are different. If you have to put yourself in the "standard face shape", then you will meet troubles. More important is that the shape of your nose, eyes, and mouth also have great influences on how to choose a proper glasses.        Second, the hairstyle could change the contour of the human head, and the face shape under different hairstyles will

Vision Problems Despite a New Pair of Glasses?

Your new glasses look stylish and fit you perfectly. The only problem: You still cannot see clearly. You may be wondering what might be wrong with them. How come your vision is not perfect despite your new glasses? Such vision problems have many different causes. The good news: Usually, the problem can be solved, and you can turn to your eye care professional for further assistance. Glasses were invented in order to allow people to acquire the perfect tool to counter-balance failing eyesight. Whether it’s for near-sighted consumers, far-sighted consumers or presbyopia-the right lens is now available for virtually any visual impairment. Obviously, if you get a new pair of glasses and you can’t see clearly with them right away, you might get quite frustrated. However, there are many different reasons why you might have to go through this experience: The familiarization period Whenever you get a brand new pair of glasses, you will have to get used to them. Some people only need a