
Running, reading, getting up earlier, and making daily schedule: what is my feeling after becoming a highly self-discipline people?

          Retrospecting myself one year before, I am a freshman in university, complaining why I am so tiny and inferior than other excellent students. That one year, I led a terrible life, without bright dream and future. One night in my sophomore year, I realized that my university life shouldn’t be wasted. Although I am not so excellent compared with other students, I can try to surpass the past myself, turning into a better people.

QQ图片201809101049221.Running, a distance to strengthen the physical and mental power
          In my point of view, running is a kind of sport, which requires the least skill, so everyone can do it well. However, it is also a kind of sport requires your strong will to persist running no matter hot summer or chilly winter. Especially in winter, there will be no partner accompanying you, and you run alone in the cold wind and empty road, even without any sound. That is a endless trace… Fortunately, I have persisted to run a year, and I have a good figure and do not worry about contracting the virus. What is most important is that I am always keep in a good mood and my highest spirit to do any work.

QQ图片201809101048462.Reading help you broaden your eye and make you meditate about life
          Our life is filled with fractured information from internet, newspaper, radio, and TV program. I have no time to read some books. Then, I think it’s time that I should devote my time of reading fractured information to some meaningful books. Gradually, I have read five books within a year and listened six audio books when I ran. Through reading these books, I find there is not only movie stars, fashion clothes, and various gourmet, but also some interesting souls, waiting for us to talk with them. I never feel lonely and lost when no friend chat with me, because my books will company me at any time.

QQ图片201809101049283.Getting up earlier gives you more time to manage your life
          Bed is a comfortable place, warm and safe. Whereas spending too much time in it, you will lose your strong will to make progress. Any great man ——Abama, Bill Gates—— would not allow lazy to block their way to success. Leave your warm bed one hour than other people every day, so you will have 31 hour than them every month to fulfill your dream.

4.Daily schedule will make your life in order
QQ图片20180910104859          Within one day, we have to do many things. Past years, I always do things without schedule, therefore, it is unavoidable that I will miss some important thing haven't done, and feel I am very busy everyday. When I begin to spend some time on my schedule and dairy, My life is regular and easier. Especially, my daily help me enjoy and recall those happy things in my life.


          Embracing a high self-discipline life may be hard at the beginning, but if you can persist it one month. That regular habits will become a part of your life, like eating and sleep. Anyhow a good figure, interesting soul and bright future is everyone's pursuit.



 Have you chosen the right glasses?

With the development of science and technology and the popularity of digital products, more and more people wear glasses for myopia. Previously, people wear glasses only as a way to correct their poor vision. Now glasses are not only used correct myopia, but also as a very important decoration for people. If your glasses are not match with your style, the glasses will have bad influence on your image. How do you match your own glasses with your style? Here's how to choose the right eye for you. 1. Choose according to your face type How to identify your face: Give yourself a face contour and pick up your forehead to reveal the hairline. Take a frontal photo of yourself with a camera or mobile phone, pass it to the computer, use the drawing tools to trace the outline of the face, and the face map is done. Compare the face classification to find out your face shape. Various face types  round face suitable for the water chest or rectangula...

What shape of glasses is fit for my face shape?

https://www.zinff.com             It is a common problem, which puzzles everyone who wants to choose a pair of glasses, that how can I choose proper glasses to be fit for my face shape.             Many fashion magazine articles tell their readers that different face shape should choose different kinds of glasses. According to my experiences and observations, I get conclusion that those suggestions made by magazine articles are not so practical and true. There are why I conclude that:             First, most people's faces are not standard round faces, or square faces, and so on. Therefore everyone's facial features are different. If you have to put yourself in the "standard face shape", then you will meet troubles. More important is that the shape of your nose, eyes, and mouth also have great influences on how to choose a proper glasses.        Second, the hairstyle coul...

Lessen your exophthalmos caused by wearing glasses

         Today, I would like to share some ways to care your eyes with you, which is helpful to lessen the fatigue resulted by wearing glasses. I believe that many friends have the same problems with me. I have been wearing glasses for a long time, my eyes have been deformed, I don’t want to wear invisible. I don’t feel comfortable with my glasses, and I’m afraid that time is not good for my eyes.                     Eyes are prominent, big eyes bags, and no apple muscles, my God, it influenced my appearance.           Various experts on the net said that wearing glasses will not cause eye protrusion, because the eye axis caused by myopia becomes longer. But my friends, don't believe your own feelings, the shape of your eyes has really changed.            The exphthalmos caused by myopia is one aspect. Wearing glasses is also a very important reason caus...