I am one of those misfortune. Before I go to college, I had not realized the difference between two hierarchies——the poor and the rich. Because in that time, we have similar clothes, food, and goal (go to a better university). But now I get into another group, many of my classmates come from a middle class, which I am lower class. I know the price of a meal, clothes, entertainment can be 4 times as I used to. Everything has changed a lot. This is a different world compared with my undeveloped hometown. Of course, sometimes I complain about my destination. Why I am so poor?

In the past half year, I made many achievements which should have done them in the beginning of my university. From my own experience, I want to share something with you that although we can not or are not easy to become a wealth, but we have hope to become better than ourselves and our family. We have chance to make full use of what destination gives to us. My family provide less money for me, that is just mean that I spend less money on entertainment, less on delicate food and cheaper clothes. But the destination has no right to get in my way to struggle!!!!!

It is true that my wealth classmates's parents make endless efforts to make money, and my step-father and some members of my relatives are lazy and idle. But I will not be a lazy and idle man like my relatives and I will complain less about my life. The future is the same bright for me, treasuring my time in university, and spending more time in studying and my part-time job. I wish all people like me, abandon their useless complain and make the life meaningful. Try your best, the success is waiting for you at the end!!!!
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