Adrienne Rich refers in his article that how does a poet put bread on the table? Rarely, if ever, by poetry alone. Of other poet I know,most teach,often part-time, without security but year round. Inherited wealth accounts for the careers of some poets: to inherit wealth is to inherit time. That means that poetry can not provide too much wealth for poet’s living. Even these realities stand before poets, they still try their best to spare time into literary creation to gain inner satisfaction. In order to pursue the pure inspiration, many poets choose to work less. Less labour ensures there is no interruption to put out their flicker. Rich says that often such time fees like a luxury, guiltily seized when it can be had, fearfully taken because it does not seem like work, his abeyance, but like “wasting time” in a society where personal importance can hinge acting busy, where the phrase “keeping busy” is a common idiom. The creation of poetry requires for free time to swim...